About Us
Our Mission
The Lexington Book Festival is a literary arts nonprofit whose mission is to connect readers and writers. We endeavor to spark a passion for literature in new readers and deepen the enjoyment of literature in readers of all ages.
Our Vision
The Lexington Book Festival will bring writers of fiction and nonfiction into our community. We will provide opportunities for children, teens, and adults to interact with literature and writers in meaningful ways.
Our Values
At the Lexington Book Festival, we celebrate the power of literature to foster inclusion and understanding. Books are not just mirrors, reflecting our own lives, but also windows that open up new perspectives and allow us to glimpse lives and stories different from our own. They become sliding glass doors, transporting us into captivating worlds, while awakening empathy within us for the diverse characters we encounter. Together, let's open these literary portals and embrace the transformative journey of inclusivity.
(Inspired by Rudine Sims Bishop's Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors)
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Nonprofit Documentation
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported by grants, individual donations, festival sponsors and vendors, and other fundraising activities.
501(c)(3) Determination Letter